Saturday 30 March 2013


Well it started off with making little fabric eggs.........

What are they they asked
Eggs I replied
Why are you making them they asked
Because its Easter I replied
But what is the point of them?......
Hmmmmmmmmmm.......indeed....not much point really

Well they could hang on a little Easter Tree I suppose....

Lets think again.....

Maybe the shape could be adapted to a Humpty Dumpty character

not quite there yet interesting shape though so lets try again......


Well I quite like make me smile :)

but you need a little friend I think


But what's to become of us.....surely we can be something more than and egg they cried....

well look what happened to me

I was like you once........

you will all become something... don't you worry

and ......................

there will be a happy ending...

No wonder you  NEVER have time for anything, said a voice from above........

Friday 29 March 2013

not quite yet..... it wasn't the Humpty Dumpty I'd imagined but I think this little alien will lead me to the real one, this space.....

Monday 25 March 2013

Rediscovering paper........... making little fantasy worlds on card.

Thinking now I could make a little sofa themed pop up book.......... 
